Sunday, 11 December 2011


Holy Smokes...5 Sleeps and I am back in Canada and as I look back at this experience at this moment I have to say WOW where did the time go. I am super beyond excited to be home but at the same time there is a part of me that is going to miss this place and the people so much. Really how can you not, after four months of the same environment and being with the same people all the time. Especially someone like Sonya who I am pretty sure other than a number which can be counted on our hands have spent every single day together.

You really get to know a new culture and a new environment, and meet new people but the most amazing thing is learning about yourself. Learning the things that make you the person that you are and the person you want to become in the future. Sonya and I were talking the other day about when I get back how many people are going to ask me about my experience here and how hard it is going to be to answer that question. I will try my best but really all I can say is it cannot be described in words. Its the moments and the memories, the little things that happen that truly shape the experience and when looking back that made it one of the most wonderful things I have ever done in my life.

My Week

Well as you all want to know about my week because it was a very busy and exciting one. Well Monday was a lot of preparation for the yearbooks and event management class since the event took place on Wed. Thanks to Sonya I had less work than I thought I would and it actually gave me some free time that night. Than on Tuesday we were supposed to have our secret Santa (Danielle, Brig, Sonya and I) but Danielle was coming back from Sweden that night and did not think she could make it in time. This was the same night Brig should have been having her Christmas at home with her family in Hungary so Sonya and I decided to make her a Hungarian Christmas dinner. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN!!! So if you ever look up Hungarian Christmas dinner you will find such items as fish fish fish and cabbage rolls. So really not our style. We than decided to make her fries supreme (kind of) because it was easy and accessible. This consisted of french fries, ground meat, cheese, tomatoes and sour cream. Easy and Tasty, so you cant beat that. We as well gave her some small little letters, and a picture frame with a picture of the three of us. It was a very nice night and really I am going to miss Brig a lot. (Speaking of Hungarian foods, Brig also decided to have a Hungarian food week in which I ate stuffed peppers (minus the peppers cause I cannot eat them) and Hungarian Potato stew, and Hungarian soup and man they were amazing. I was doubtful but they were so very good).
The next day is the day we have all been waiting. The final exchange farewell event party. I cannot be happier with the way the actual event went. It was such a success and people really enjoyed themselves. It was a lot of preparation as you all know but it was very worth while in the end. I had so many people coming up to me and saying they really enjoyed the event and we did a great job so really it was all worth it in the end. Working with the group other than Sonya to be honest was a challenge. At first it was good and everyone was very helpful but the last 2 weeks and especially the week of the group was so slacking that Sonya and I had to do all the last minute details and had a lot more work on our plates than we should have. In the end it all came together nicely which is what matters the most but it was defiantly frustrating at the time.

So during the actual event we had presentations where students could get their certificates for study, we had a buffet dinner which was extremely tasty, we had a photo booth, and karaoke.  I was the MC of the night which was fun but nerve wracking at the same time ( I always feel weird hearing my own voice over a microphone) but either way the event ran smoothly. It was decorated nicely in Mardi Gras theme, people dressed up and what it really comes down to was they had a good time.

Just some event pictures.

Thursday was not so fun really. Sonya and I worked on our portfolio It was due on Friday so we were up until about 1:30 am working on it and finishing it and making sure everything was done. NOT FUN AT ALL

Presents aside dinner was beyond wonderful. The food was so good. Last but the most important was the company. We arrived at 7pm and did not leave the restaurant until 11pm because we just sat and talked, laughed and really enjoyed being with one another.
I am going to miss these girls very much

Now it is the weekend.
Saturday Sonya and I once again had to work on a paper for business to business marketing. From 11 am to 9:30 pm we worked on this paper and more work still needs to go into it. UGH PAPERS! We went to the bar that night to watch the soccer game that was on tv with everyone else but really tired from school work and not really that much fun out so we headed home. And on Sunday I Packed

My room is pretty much packed and I am coming home with 2 carry on's and 2 checked luggage's. Yikes haha. Its still surreal to be coming home in 5 sleeps after 4 months but I cant wait. Oh and also went and saw Twilight this evening. ALRIGHT!!

So really now.. the next time you read my blog I am going to be back in Canada and it will be the final.
Packing cleaning, school, and goodbyes on this weeks agenda

WOW just WOW

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