Thursday, 24 November 2011

The Holidays are Upon Us

So it has actually been really nice being in the Netherlands at this time because this is their Christmas time. I am a sucker for Christmas festivities and people around here are very excited. They do it a little differently I have learned and although I prefer our tradition because its what I know it is very interesting to learn about. All around Europe they celebrate on different days but have the same sort of idea. They call the "big man" who we call Santa Clause, Sinta Clause, and instead of having reindeer's he has his little black bo peeps... Your thinking pardon right.. Yeah that's what I thought to but really its a bunch of people dressed up a black men who kind of in a way look like jesters from the olden days but they paint their faces black, where black wigs, and hang around Sinta Clause. Instead of flying in on his sleigh with reindeer he travels around Europe on a boat and comes into the different cities that way (this is as well why they celebrate it on different days). He came to the Netherlands a week or so ago and Sonya and I went down to the city center to see what was going on. There were soooo many happy screaming kids just like the Santa Clause Parade back home :) :).... The nice this about this one was I was not freezing :) Here instead of stockings they clean their shoes and leave them for Sinta Clause who brings them presents..

Its really funny actually how similar the whole concept is but how different people celebrate all over the world.
Enjoy the Pictures at the Sinta Clause Parade in the Center

For Christmas here, my ethics class may be celebrating which is cool and I hope we do so I can get a sort of feel of what they do on the actual holiday as well as before. Oh and I forgot to mention they pick names from a hat and write each other poems and give them to the person whose name they picked along with a small gift... Just like secret Santa :D

Which brings me to my next excitement we are partaking in our own secret Santa. Brig, Danielle, Sonya and I got together one night to pick names and are each getting the person a gift. We are planning a nice dinner night, to exchange gifts, have a nice meal, nice company before I leave for good, and they depart for the holidays. I have already been outfit picking because we are going to dress up, but man I am having trouble picking a gift for my person. Do I give a sincere nice gift, a joke gift both. I want it to be really good... Some thinking is going to go into that.

And than a week later from that I am home. Whoopie. I come home and a week later from that it is Christmas time already. OMG where has the time gone, but man has it been enjoyable. YAY Christmas. I get to spend Christmas with Steph (My boyfriend for those of you who don't know) and his family. I get to partake in the whole turkey, and tree, and snow angel making. Hot chocolate, presents, and just a joyous occasion all in all. I love the happiness, the music, the snow, THE FOOD, the people. I am just so excited.

Other festivities going on around the Arnhem facilities would be Geek night, American Thanksgiving, a Pool Tournament, and our event coming up. 

One of the groups from event management put on a bar event which had a geek theme where people were supposed to dress up like Geeks...ENJOY

Coming up we are having such events;
American Thanksgiving... The Americans decided to make it into something like international dinner and invite everyone to bring food (trying to stick to traditional thanksgiving) and come celebrate together

Pool Tournament; One of the event management groups are having a pool tournament for charity and they convinced Sonya and I to play.. we both are not very good at pool

Really not to much else happening.. Some plans are going to see the new Twilight Movie... YAY

Well as you know I didn't do so well on my Dutch exam. Kinda sucks but what can you do now. I have no more dutch classes officially as now we are just working to complete the final paper due the 23. I want to do really well on this, so I worked for 3-4 days and finished it already now going to go into some major editing process. If anyone wants to volunteer to read it over please let me know :)

Ethics is still a cool class I really enjoy taking out here. The professors make it really relaxed, funny and an enjoyable time to come too especially since it is Friday evenings. I currently am working towards (well have to start) my end paper for that as well. Its a paper comparing the ethics of 2 different countries. I got a good group so that should be well done.

Event Management is moving along. Our event is in 2 weeks so things are starting to go fast. Have been in contact with all sponsors and such so really its just a time game and making sure everything gets done, as well as during the event will be interesting and fun at the same time. That will be the busiest stressful day.

Business 2 Business Marketing has nothing new happening. We have a presentation every week (only small) and working towards our final presentation which is our exam. I am a little unhappy about this because I did so well on the exam and this is a long presentation and he marks harder on those but we will see how it goes. Will actually have to practice for this one.

Well there is not much new happening around here. I told you these would get a little smaller. But that's okay cause school is busy and I am really just enjoying peoples company before I head back home.

Oh and I forgot to mention Brig, Sonya and I went for a walk in a nice park one day and took some nice fall pictures so here they are for you to enjoy as well.
Until next time.

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